Next up to bat for the Afternoon Questionnaire is Megan Enright the creative force behind one of the coolest lines we’ve seen in a while, Studio Teppi. Sometimes the best innovations or evolutions are found closest to our hearts and homes. When Enright spent a pandemic year living in her childhood home — a home filled with traditional Shaker furniture and heirloom floorcloths made by her grandmother, she breathed new life into the lost, early American tradition of floorcloths (sometimes called an oilcloth or floormat). Made from durable cotton canvas that has been primed, painted, and sealed to last a lifetime Studio Teppi’s versions give potentially fuddy-duddy floorcloths stunning, contemporary design update in patterns and colors that sing. Practical, chic, and a wow-why-isn't-this-more-of-a-thing alternative to the standard textile rug, hand-painted floorcloths fuse artistic expression with practical functionality. Ok, Megan, let’s play…
1. Where did you grow up?
Ashford Connecticut, a tiny town of just 4,000 people.
2. What are your big three astrological signs (sun/moon/rising)?
I just know that I'm a Virgo.
3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
At various times a teacher, a farmer, a biologist, or an artist.
4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Ask me in ten years. I think my greatest achievements are yet to come.
5. What is your most treasured possession?
A handcrafted stool made by my old boss and creative mentor.
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Constantly purchasing iced coffee and kombucha.
7. Who are your favorite writers and/or artists?
Writers: Joan Didion, John Steinbeck.
Artists/Designers: Ted Larsen, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Sophie Tauber Arp, Ellsworth Kelly, Tauba Auerbach, Max Lamb.
8. Favorite online source of inspiration?
9. Favorite offline source of inspiration?
Nature. I grew up in a very nature-oriented family, and I still find myself in awe of beautiful plants and animals.
10. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Iceland. I love extreme landscapes and isolation.
11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
I don't know about phrases or words that I overuse, but I definitely complain about things in general more than I should.
12. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Floating around a lake in New England on a hot summer day with no one else around.
13. Which talent would you most like to have?
More than anything, I would love to be good at math.
14. Last good film or TV show you watched?
Movie: In Bruges
TV Show: Severance
15. Last three songs or albums you listened to?
I've been listening to Graceland on repeat lately, and I always have early Bob Dylan in the rotation.
16. What’s your comfort meal?
A Hungarian dish that's been passed down in my family -- Nokedli with pot roast.
17. If you were to die and be reincarnated as a household object, what would it be?
Maybe a vacuum cleaner, because I am obsessed with having clean floors.
18. If you could have any architect, dead or alive, design a house for you, who would it be?
Dries Otten. I love his restrained use of bold colors.
19. Do you have an overarching design philosophy?
Right now, my design philosophy is to follow my instinct as much as possible. I am a classic overthinker and I get obsessed with small details, but I find that my best work is always a result of letting go of any expectations of perfection.
20. Morning light, afternoon light or moonlight?
Moonlight 100%.