Please welcome Kris Myllenbeck, the owner and designer of Mylle who’s next up to play the Afternoon Questionnaire! Get to know the former fashion stylist turned cool pool maker, who’s setting a new standard in loveable inflatables for backyards and beyond. Being the best solopreneur she can be, we’re really into Kris’ love of sleep and laughter because that’s what we would also call "deluxe luxury." Get to know her.
1. Where did you grow up?
Yakima, WA
2. What are your big three astrological signs (sun/moon/rising)?
Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Cancer Rising
3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A Psychologist - I could listen to people’s fears, stories, triumphs, heartaches - everything - for hours on end.
4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Making it through last summer alive. My boyfriend had back surgery, our two children had very intermittent childcare (Covid!) and I was trying to scale Mylle as a solopreneur.
5. What is your most treasured possession?
My grandma’s wedding ring. It is incredibly cool and is made from gold that my grandpa panned and some old jewelry - mixed up together. I wear it everyday on my right hand.
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Sleeping in. I am like a 16 year old - I could easily sleep until noon. My boyfriend is the early riser in the family, so he gets up first to get the weekdays started and handles the first “kids hours” on Saturdays.
7. Who are your favorite writers and/or artists?
I just finished “I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness” by Claire Vaye Watkins. It was astoundingly good so I want to read all of her other books now. I liked it so much that now I will blindly profess her as my favorite writer, having only read one of her books.
8. Favorite online source of inspiration?
Thingtesting inspires me in an interesting way - sort of inverse inspiration. They review all of the DTC e-comm brands, so I love to go and get clear on design terms that are being overused. Of course you can get a sense of that just being on the internet, but seeing it aggregated is really eye opening.
9. Favorite offline source of inspiration?
Inconsistent. That’s the thing about inspiration - it hits me by surprise.
10. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Denmark. It’s just so cool there, and I would love to bike around with my family in the summer. My boyfriend and I went pre-kids and it was lovely, and having kids now it seems like a great place to go back as a family vacation that would be interesting to everyone.
11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Deluxe luxury. My mother-in-law once said it in regard to buying extra blankets for her living room, and my boyfriend and I started saying it about everything… “We have a fresh jar of peanut butter? Deluxe Luxury!” “I got to sleep in this morning - Deluxe Luxury!” It started as a joke but has become part of the vernacular over the last decade… quite a few of my friends say it now too - I think it’s caught on far past its origin story at this point.
12. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Goofing off and laughing. As long as I’m able to do that, I’m happy doing anything.
13. Which talent would you most like to have?
Athletic ability - I can picture myself being great at things and then go to try them only to be horribly surprised.
14. Last good film or TV show you watched?
15. Last three songs or albums you listened to?
I have no idea. We keep KEXP (seattle public radio) on all day and night in our house. It’s always good regardless of DJ or show.
16. What’s your comfort meal?
Hanger steak.
17. If you were to die and be reincarnated as a household object, what would it be?
I don’t know. I really am not sure.
18. If you could have any architect, dead or alive, design a house for you, who would it be?
Paul Hayden Kirk, PNW Hometown hero.
19. Do you have an overarching design philosophy?
Simple is better.
20. Morning light, afternoon light or moonlight?
All. For a variety of reasons: Morning light is best to look at, Afternoon Light is best for happiness (vitamin D!) and Moonlight is usually enjoyed on vacation because it’s often too bright at night and cloudy in Seattle to be enjoyed on the regular.