Partners using BigCommerce can automatically sync products and orders. Orders received from Afternoon Light will be pushed to your store and appear as a normal order.
You will need to provide the following:
- the Store Hash (with an enabled set of permissions)
- a Client ID
- an Access Token
- the Order Status (optional
Please see the steps below and send the relevant items to Natalie
Step 1. Find the Store Hash
To find the Store Hash, you will first need to create an API account. To do this, jump into your BigCommerce backend and click on “Advanced Settings” in the left hand menu.
Then find “API Accounts” and at the bottom and click “Create API Accounts.” From the dropdown menu select “Create V2/V3 API Token’
You will then need to fill in a Name (eg. Afternoon Light). The store hash is contained within the API Path in the below field. The Store Hash is the string of characters before “/v3” as shown below. (If you’re not sure, you can also send us the full API path.)
Step 2. Enabling a set of permissions
In the OAuth Scopes section of the same page, select the permissions. As shown below, “Orders” should be set to Modify. “Order Transactions” should also be set to Modify. “Products” should be set to Read-Only.
Step 3. Finding the Client ID and Access Token
Click save! You will now be directed to page which shows you both the client ID and the Access Token
Don’t forget to send the Store Hash, Client ID, Access Token to Natalie to complete the integration :)