Loftie's out to retake slumberland, one good night's sleep at a time. And we're thankful because while we know that smartphones are ruining our nights (and maybe lives), we're in need of the perfect modern tools to help us function without them. Leave your phone charging in the kitchen every. single. night. and trust that Loftie's got you. Good sleep is the ultimate life hack, after all.
Is there anything more mortifying than falling asleep while scrolling and dropping your phone on your face? Seriously, ouch, and ugh. It's time to switch things up, and you know it. We've written about our throwback obsession with alarm clocks, specifically the Sony Dream Machine, and we're declaring it time to fall in love with them again; for your sanity and your face. Loftie's hero product has got it all. Bedtime stories, soundscapes, optional lights, a two-phase waking alarm system, and an app to make it all happen are the modern updates we need. Great design and straightforward ease of use are all we want. Just like good, deep, uninterrupted smartphones sleep. Now off to dreamland you go!
Wind down with this captivating Games & Recreation puzzle that blooms with punchy floral imagery.
Achieve ultimate screen-free relaxation with this bundle.
Welcome healthier sleep with this chicly minimalist Loftie Lamp.